Saturday, December 31, 2011


I have now had an entire year and I still write two zeros after the 2 when I go to write the year.  Last year this was incorrect, but not a problem cause I could sneak the one in between the zeros and I can no longer do that (haven't been able to for a year, but still haven't learned) so maybe now I'll learn.
In the past year:
1 - I wrote a senior thesis. Theo was a healthy 38.5 page history thesis on the National Korean War Veterans Memorial.(yes i named my paper, don't you name your papers?) We had a love/hate relationship. I was still typing memoiral instead of memorial, even on the last page because my right hand is always that much faster than my left.
2 - I graduated from American University.  There were bagpipes and awful robes and a really old scientist lady left us with the parting wisdom that one day aliens will visit, but we will be dead by then, so we should have children.
3 - Ally Gator turned one.  Granted I did not actually do this, Ally is the one that actually accomplished this, but I was there and there was cake and cuteness to be witnessed and I witnessed it.  Along those same lines of this not actually accomplished by me, Daphne Elizabeth was born. (what a pretty name) she has an abundance of cuteness as well.
4 -  I did KettleBells all year and now I swing a 44 and press a 22. I'm so strong. Not really, but I am stronger than I was last year so that's something.
5 - I was Program Director for the girls' weeks of camp. I didn't sleep much, I worshiped NyQuil (just a little), I conquered the boss-level-sudoku that is the rotation schedule, and I kept most of my staff sane and campers safe.
6 - I was one of the five people in the whole world who was officially allowed to run the camp's zip line.  An honor bestowed mostly based on availability for the training, but that's ok I can tie beautiful P.H.B./ double-figure-eight-on-a-bite-knots. Clip, check, chat, call, clear.
7 - I spent my golden b-day in Chicago.  I love that city. It is super pretty and awesome so I went out there and turned 22 on the 22nd. It was awesome.
8 - Danny and Ning got married.  It was epic.  Lots of fun, beautiful flowers and location and dresses, swords, and awesomeness.
9 - I took a road trip up to TMC with Jamie. It was great and it involved baby goats, wine, dancing, and plenty of Thomas Morons.
10 - There was a lot of swing dance and the opening of Mobtown and it was great. I had my purple-haired friend to go with all fall when everyone else was off at school so that was pretty great.
11 - I worked at Starbucks all year and I had my last day one week ago.  I  very much enjoyed it although I still don't like coffee.  And I've actually never tried a caramel macchiato.
There were important dates/anniversaries like 9-11 and 12-7 as well.  Because things like dates seems more important when they are divisible by 5 or 10. And a whole bunch of revolutions and overthrown dictators which was awesome to see.  I got to see the middle school level posters where Danny works and try my hand at nannying and see an ultrasound of my heart as well, which were also cool points of the past year.

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