Thursday, April 26, 2012


I love the internet. It allows me to chat face-to-face with friends in different time-zones, countries, and on the other side of a significantly sized ocean. Plus wonderful Youtubers to watch and Facebook to keep me updated on friends' big milestones and little first-world-problems. Though there are exceptions: StumbledUpon = never gotten into it, Tumbler = baffles me, and Twitter = only seems logical with a smartphone.  To be fair though I'd most likely get hooked if I spent a bit of time on them. I didn't understand Pinterest before either, it wasn't that I disliked it or anything. I just sincerely did not grasp what it did.  To solve my befuddlement I spent an afternoon poking around on Pinterest. Although I'm still not positive exactly what purpose it serves, and I'm not fully addicted yet, I was indeed won over by this little bit of brilliance that I came upon:
Source: via Megan on Pinterest

My bedroom, bathroom, couch, and anyone-who-lives-with-me-and-is-to-any-degree-opposed-to-bobby-pins-everywhere would very much benefit from this clever idea.

And I suppose the crafty/home improvement ideas and inspiration side of Pinterest is what makes the most sense to me.

Beyond that my Boards almost tend to become little internet shires to John Green as I pin stupendous quote after stupendous quote from his books and videos. This one is from The Fault in Our Stars:

The other main goodness of Pinterest seems to be finding and sharing recipes, cause there is some seriously yummy stuff posted -- ahem pinned -- on there that I'm excited to try out. My name is MeganCormack if you would like to follow me or whatever one does to Pinners? Pinteresters? Regardless mine is: or at least it should be in theory...

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

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